Nieuwe ambassadeur van Stichting Noordzeevis

adminNews, Uncategorized

Juni 2018 : Rederij W. van der Zwan & Zn. heeft zich in 2018 aangesloten als ambassadeur van Stichting Noordzeevis uit Scheveningen. Wij zijn al sinds 1888 actief in de visserij en voorzien met name internationale klanten van duurzame vis. Omdat we gevestigd zijn op Scheveningen zien we ook het belang in van lokaal gevangen vis en steunen daarom de … Read More

Nieuwbouw Topzeilcentrum te Scheveningen en AZ Fisheries


Press Release January 27th, 2016 Op landhoofd C in Scheveningen komt een multifunctioneel gebouw voor onder andere het Nederlands Topzeilcentrum Den Haag (NTC). Het complex is ontworpen door Architectenbureau Filip Mens en NwA architecten. Het Watersportverbond en de gemeente Den Haag werken nauw samen bij de ontwikkeling van het NTC en de ontwikkeling van Den Haag als Sportstad aan Zee. … Read More

First North Atlantic blue whiting fisheries become MSC Certified


Press Release February 11th, 2016 Two thirds of the total catch of North East Atlantic blue whiting (Micromesistious poutassaou) has achieved Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification for sustainable fishing practices. Fishers from Denmark, The Netherlands, Ireland, Scotland and France have worked in collaboration to receive the MSC certification. The group consists of the Pelagic Freezer Trawler Association (NL, UK, DE, … Read More

New PFA factsheet


Press Release May 30th, 2013 Van der Zwan draws attention to fact sheet PFA As a member of the PFA (Pelagic Freezer-trawler Association) we would like to draw your attention to the new factsheet of the PFA. Together with the other PFA members we provide over 5.5 million fish meals per day to Africa. Click on the symbol below for … Read More

New Advertisement


Press Release May 1st, 2013 Van der Zwan launches new ad campaign Providing the world with healthy, nutritious and high-quality fish with repect for the environment. With that sustainable look to the future as a basis, a new advertising campaign has been developed for W. van der Zwan.

PFA launches a new brochure Catching with care


Press Release May 1st, 2013 This brochure will tell you more about the objectives of the PFA : catching pelagic fish in a responsible and sustainable way. Pelagic fish which is a valuable source of healthy food and income for millions of people on our planet.

Accredited Learning Company


Press Release June 26th, 2012 Van der Zwan is an Accredited Training Company Van der Zwan is pleased that the VTL is recognized as a training company under the Vocational Education Act and should educate students for professional qualifications such as maritime officer and engineer. Van der Zwan emphatically invites young and enthusiastic talent to apply for an internship at … Read More

MSC certification


Press Release May 25st, 2012 MSC certification for North Sea Herring renewed for trawlers of Van der Zwan.

PFA Atlanto Scandian herring gets MSC certified


The Pelagic Freezer-trawler Association (PFA) Atlanto Scandian herring fishery today secured certification against the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) environmental standard for sustainable and well managed fisheries. The MSC assessment took just 8 months. The Atlanto Scandian herring fishery is PFA’s third fishery to achieve MSC certification: its  North Sea herring and its North East Atlantic mackerel fisheries were certified in … Read More